Performance under Pressure.

Presenting to a Board Meeting recently on a potential Succession Planning Programme, I was asked to explain in greater detail a key component of my proposal which focused on what I termed 'real time leadership capability assessment'. Having been fortunate to have had exposure to succession planning practices .....
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Does my business have the Right Digital Project Methodology?.

Over the last 3 years my team and I have partnered with private, public and listed organisations of varying sizes across many sectors in the delivery of small, medium and mega, digital transformation initiatives. On many occasions, our engagements have 'kicked off' with a briefing where the following statemen.....
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Redundancy Considerations.

Being tasked with the coordination of a redundancy procedure can be a stressful and daunting proposition for anyone. The reality is however, with organisations constantly looking for improvements and savings within their operating models, and the shift towards a 'gig economy', more people will face redundancy.....
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